Bio Data Center

The IT core facilities hosted by NGERE provide solutions for secure access, storage and archiving of data produced by all the lab technical platforms. The complete server and cluster infrastructures are currently being shared with DCAC lab.

Some figures for NGERE: about 100 users, 150 computers, 220 network interfaces, 500 TB of data (with backups) on 7 modular & block storage (SAN) and 2 NAS, 13 Windows and Linux servers including 7 in failover cluster and 6 virtual servers.


For further information, please contact Sébastien Hergalant.
Address : UMRS INSERM 1256 NGERE – Bâtiment C, 2ème étage, Campus Brabois-Santé – 9 Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, BP 20199 – 54505 VANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY


Sébastien Hergalant

Sébastien Hergalant
Manager, Engineer (INSERM), IT core facilities & infrastructures

Picture of Pierre Rouyer

Pierre Rouyer
Technician (UL), NGERE lab referent, Cloud storage


Romain Piucco
PhD student, referent for students & alumni

Zhor Ramdane-Cherif
Engineer (INSERM), DCAC lab referent

Main missions carried out by the team:

  1. Equip staff, advise and provide support to users,
  2. Deliver computer accounts and access,
  3. Manage, renew, administer the IT infrastructures,
  4. Ensure technological watch, maintain and upgrade servers and computers,
  5. Protect data by developing backup, archiving and replication solutions,
  6. Store/save data in the cloud and in a remote data center.
  7. Support, set up and manage the bioinformatics computing cluster.