Cell culture

The Cell Culture sector is a L2 containment laboratory which is currently divided into 2 technical rooms which are entered through an airlock. An air treatment unit ensures the renewal and sterility of the incoming and outgoing flows thanks to HEPA filters while maintaining a pressure difference between the zones preventing the dissemination of pathogenic organisms.

To carry out its experiments on the analysis of eukaryotic cells (cancer lines, primary cultures, stem cells, etc.), the laboratory has 5 workstations. ), the laboratory has 5 type II Microbiological Safety Stations (MSS) that meet the EN 12469 standard, 2 centrifuges, 2 inverted phase contrast microscopes, one of which is an epifluorescence microscope, 4 CO2 incubators, an automatic cell counter (LUNA), as well as 4 liquid nitrogen tanks for the cryopreservation of cell lines

The techniques implemented in this sector allow the seeding of cells in order to obtain the quantity of biological material necessary for the extraction of proteins, DNA or RNA in order to perform the desired analyses. The cells can also be used for transfection and immunofluorescence.



For further information, please contact Amélia Julien.
Email : amelia.julien@univ-lorraine.fr
Tel. : 0033.
Adress : UMRS INSERM 1256 NGERE – Bâtiment C, 2ème étage, Campus Brabois-Santé – 9 Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, BP 20199 – 54505 VANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY – FRANCE