Bioinformatics / Biostatistics

The bioinformatics / biostatistics platform support the lab research teams as well as the scientific community of the Medicine and Sciences faculties within the framework of cross-functional collaborations. Its areas of expertise mainly focus on:

  • omics data analysis (transcriptomes, proteomes, methylomes, epigenomes, metabolomes, exomes, genomes),
  • multi-omics, systems biology and integrative genomics,
  • automatic & state-of-the-art pipelines,
  • population genetics,
  • analysis of flow and mass cytometry data,
  • single-cell RNA-sequencing transcriptomics.

Pipelines, tools and workflows are specific to each omics, the acquisition technologies (chip, NGS, mass spectrometry) and their limits, and data origin (experimental, public datasets, meta-analyses). We provide a wide range of statistical/supervised and unsupervised approaches.


For further information, please contact Sébastien Hergalant.
Address : UMRS INSERM 1256 NGERE – Bâtiment C, 2ème étage, Campus Brabois-Santé – 9 Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, BP 20199 – 54505 VANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY


Sébastien Hergalant

Sébastien Hergalant
Engineer (INSERM), manager

FIEVET Ghislain

Ghislain Fiévet
Engineer, development on projects (MIGB)


Romain Piucco
PhD student / Engineer (MIGB)

Picture of Ramia SAFAR ALSAIED

Ramia Safar
Engineer (UL), functional genomics platform

Picture of Pierre Rouyer

Pierre Rouyer
Technician (UL), quality controls, pipelines

The team provides support to researchers in developing their projects:

  • by participating in grant applications, writing methods and suitable bioinformatics /  statistical analyses,
  • by advising on experimental designs,
  • by supplying the necessary material resources and skills,
  • by producing tools, protocols, reports and reproducible results.


We supervise and train students of all grades starting from L3, whether biologists, computer scientists, or medical / pharm students. We also welcome PhD and post-doc fellows.

We organize courses on omics analyses, NGS data analysis, quality controls on big data, R language (from beginner to advanced levels), biostatistics, bash interpreter (command lines, complex handlings), system administration and linux (scripting, automation).


The high-performance computing cluster revolves around an infrastructure of servers and systems supplying the bioinformatics platform and team with high-availibility, shared workspaces.

The HPC cluster includes 5 linux servers and 6 SAN modular & block storage bays, with more than 200 computing cores, 5 TB of memory and 300 TB of data. The storage facilities are shared and part of the lab BioDataCenter.