The sector of Molecular Biology of the laboratory NGERE is distributed on 8 technical rooms allowing the analysis of the nucleic acids. To carry out these experiments, the laboratory owns:
- chemical hoods necessary for the extraction of RNA and DNA.
- a spectrophotometer MultiScan Go (ThermoFisher Scientifique) for RNA/DNA assays.
- an agarose electrophoresis system and an E-Box transilluminator (Vilber) for RNA/DNA migration.
a C1000 Touch thermal cycler (Biorad) for reverse transcription and PCR. - two real-time thermal cyclers CFX Connect (Biorad), StepOne Plus (Applied Biosystems) for gene expression studies.
- a laminar flow hood for the amplification of bacteria for cloning.
For further information, please contact Aurélie Robert.
Email :
Tel. : 0033.
Tel. : 0033.
Adress : UMRS INSERM 1256 NGERE – Bâtiment C, 2ème étage, Campus Brabois-Santé – 9 Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, BP 20199 – 54505 VANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY – FRANCE