The N-GERE project relies on three main themes, carried by our three teams.
NGERE enjoys partnerships with a variety of French or international public and private institutions, and its actions are based on contracts with companies, foundations and also financing from French National Agency for Research (ANR), from Grand Est Region, French State or even Europe.
The N-GERE Teams
![Photo représentant une équipe de travail](
“One-carbon metabolism and epigenomics in developmental origins of inherited and complex diseases” led by Jean-Louis Guéant.
The team will dissect genome/epigenome/phenotype relationships by up-to-date “omic” technologies and will investigate pathogenesis of inherited disorders of Cbl metabolism and complex diseases related to foetal programming, using mice, rats and fibroblasts and cohort studies. The team project will be developed in 3 tasks, « one-carbon metabolism and neurodevelopment », led by Carine Pourié, « pathomechanisms of inherited diseases of the one-carbon metabolism », led by David Coelho and « developmental origins of complex diseases », led by Rosa-Maria Guéant-Rodriguez.
“Metabolic-Genomic interactions in personalized medicine of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases” led by Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet.
The team will aim to identify new evidenced-based predictors of disease complications and of efficacy and safety of biologics via an in-depth analysis of integrated omic approach to contribute to the development of personalized therapeutics of IBD. The team will also test and develop innovative therapeutic strategies through an integrated pre-clinical and clinical program with European academic and industrial partners bringing unique expertise in the field of chronic inflammatory disorders and thanks to the access to large IBD cohorts and big data.
« Metabolism, Integrative genomics & Bioinformatics » led by Rémi Houlgatte.
The team will develop a project focused on the integrative genomic mechanisms of carcinogenesis associated with the dysregulations and interactions between genome- epigenome and metabolism. The project is developed in two tasks, “Genomic profiling of lymphoma and lymphoid diseases”, leaded by Remi Houlgatte and “Metabolism, genomics and cancer”, leaded by Guillaume Gauchotte. It will also develop cross-cutting approaches with the other two teams.